Monday, July 28, 2008

Story Of A King

This is a story of a king. NO NO not the scorpion king nor the monkey king. It's a story of a king. A king who did not speak nor did he listen. But he was a king and that was for sure. Eventually the whole nation stooped speaking and they stopped listening. Then soon the dumbness and deafness spread out to the neighboring countries. It was a catastrophic. And soon the whole world was infected and soon the whole universe.

Then there was big bang which broke the silence. But the people were so much already contaminated that nobody choose to listen and they don't still.


roxc said...

may b theres a deeper meanin to this one

Nirab Pudasaini said...

well things can be interpreted in different ways .........

Unknown said...

And the deeper meaning is??

Anonymous said...

there is no deeper meaning , in fact there is no meaning ........ you can interpret this story in any way and every way you want ........